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Poems / Self-interest

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honorable victory - that won over selfishness.
Heartless selfishness himself as a philosophical system.
human selfishness - light-hearted, superficial and
arbitrary. Miserable human selfishness - nocietinājies
bitter and self-righteous.
Human fair value is determined by the extent to which he
freed from selfishness and means it has achieved.
pets, those who are called public
souls - there are people who are free from selfishness restraint,
and helps them get rid of the others.
send a book that proves that the human society in
their actions be guided by the gospel is not possible, it would be
simple as that.
least selfishness has a slave.
There are also narrow, bestial, filthy selfishness, like
that is also dirty and beastly love.
It is clear that people are egotists, but because they also have
personality, as it is possible to be yourself, if you are missing
express their personal sense? We are egotists, and that is why
strive for independence, well being and their rights
recognition, that is why we long to love, action, and
can not deny that right to others.
moralists speak of selfishness as a bad habit
not asking whether the individual is able to stay for people
if you have lost him, as a living personality, sense.
person who is blind has made selfishness, becomes insufficient
conservative, even affecting his personal interests.
Selfishness - the essence of human nature. Selfishness lies in his
strength and the weakness.
Selfishness - the main enemy of happiness: to become yourself
happy, happy to be done by other people.
Each \"I\" - any other enemy and wants to become the
selfish happiness becomes the sole aim of life, then
it turns out that this kind Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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