life is not to be such a majority, but to live BR>
according to its own internal law of the identified. BR>
Live as if you now say good-bye to the life, as if BR>
the remaining time you have an unexpected gift. BR>
Life - This is the way home. BR>
Life - a source of joy, but everywhere from the drinking crowd, this BR>
contaminated source. BR>
Life consists of a sob, sighs and smiles, but no BR>
sob a lot more. BR> satur
of each individual human life - solitary confinement, where BR>
wall instead of mirrors. BR>
Life - memories of a day away quickly in the past. BR>
Life like theater: sometimes bad people in its ranks BR>
the best places. BR>
Life like racing: some come to each other BR>
compete, others to trade, but their happiest BR>
watch. . . . BR>
great art of living lies in the ability to live happily in the present. BR>
Two things granted by the divine human life: life BR>
public good and true. BR>
Life itself is short, but when it is not happy, it BR>
it seems long. BR>
those who all their lives to make one, and only BR>
going to live. BR>
Life reaches its highest degree of character and true BR>
their ideas. In character she is aware of their specific faith BR>
thatched with the objectives and means and the will of his top BR>
independent from any external circumstances. Hero\'s life BR>
is life itself. Life and her will and resources BR>
Types of exterior changes, but the absolute content remains. This BR>
absolute life wants to portray the absolute arts - drama. BR>
Unconsciously she had done for Ancient, maybe BR>
conscientiously, and we only know a little about old times. But BR>
our times seems to consciously turn away from that goal. BR>
You do not know - yet nau live, you know - even nau do, do - BR>
nau want more. But to know and do what it wants - it is BR>
to live. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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