If there is a God - the origins of evil? If there is no God - BR>
whence right? BR>
Like the beast does not samaitība no, not morality, that BR>
properties and no god, because he is the one that BR>
stand up for them. BR>
Desert - people without God. BR>
that God exists, I neapstrīdēšu but apstrīdēšu BR>
any evidence. BR>
Ask your in god and whatever he is, then I BR>
refer to Simonīdu, who on the tyrant Hieriona BR>
responded that he needed day BR>
reflection. When the day Hierions repeated his BR>
question Simonīds asked for two days. When he BR>
each time started to double the number of days, surprised BR>
Hireons asked, why he was doing? Therefore, it is BR>
answered, the longer I reflected, as the issue seems to me BR>
increasingly blurred. BR>
people in this world to live relatively peacefully, if they were BR>
fully confident that they are not afraid of another BR>
world, the idea that there is no God, there is no nobaidījusi BR>
But how much is šausminājusi think that really exists BR>
a god, a man shows BR>
in your life, people never fully BR>
advantage of the forces which are at the disposal of all, because of BR>
relied on someone outside themselves and nature of existing power BR>
hoping that it will do it by ourselves alone are responsible. BR>
cannibals will be a cannibal god, god will be crusaders BR>
crusader, but the god of merchants will be a trader. BR>
God is a human mirror. BR>
Each god is the human imagination created being, image, and BR>
the image of a person as an independent entity located outside BR>
him. BR>
He who sees the suffering of his god, himself suffering more BR>
their suffering. Earlier joyful gods BR>
knew no suffering did not know what it means to be poor and BR>
human suffering, overwhelmed, and the poor suffering the assumption of BR>
man in his sad hour could not be with all my heart BR>
to address them. They were the gods of festival, around which BR>
turned a merry dance, and who could only say thank you. BR>
So basically they did not like to come, with all my heart. BR>
God is, but to say \"I believe in God\" - God had already BR>
blasphemy. BR>
put an equal sign between God and morality mean to come BR>
to idolatry, meaning divine man-made. BR>
God everything is beautiful and fair, while single people BR>
is found to be fair, the other to be unreasonable. BR>
of any deity is evil and causes people anxiety. BR>
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