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Poems / Piety

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Women give himself to God, the devil they no longer
she paid no attention.
[ Piety ]
religion enters the final part of a woman\'s life.
[ Piety ]
godly man fondly and often suspicious,
therefore, whether they are easy to tell which depends on
whether the narrator belongs to their sect.
[ Piety ]
Godliness deterrent to sin, only those who are unable to embers
want, or those who are unable to more sin.
[ Piety ]
True piety consists in the love of our neighbor,
not everything that was done only soul salvation
[ Piety ]
piety can find such excuses
action, simple as finding a decent man.
[ Piety ]
Godliness - it\'s opium to the man, a small dose of it
Apgar, gives life to maintain, but too much of its dosage
exposed to either suppress or leads to madness, or
even killed.
[ Piety ]
We are devout enough to hate each other,
but insufficiently devout to love one another.
[ Piety ]
What has become a pious youth, the devil a bypass around
the corner.
[ Piety ]

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