yourself is not helpful, it is also another option. BR>
The real is not always useful, useful is woven from BR>
imagination and illusions. BR>
Refuse from each of the pleasure which is not valid. BR>
The same virtues at different ages depending on their BR>
usefulness is judged differently. BR>
our respect or disrespect for establishing the degree BR>
extent this man we need, or unnecessary. BR>
neecēsi, with a bear nearsi. BR>
not fit for a gardener, not a flower chicken joint. BR>
chipped stone use not long in coming. BR>
never be considered as valid by myself for the reasons you ever BR>
you\'ll be forced to become unfaithful to forget the shame begin to hate BR>
other. BR>
Who else could have been more useful to learn to live in yourself BR>
the best way? BR>
Valid - just a means, always aim - nice! BR>
ashamed to admit, but of all living creatures man is BR>
the only one who does not know who he is useful. BR>
find it useful to know some smart ideas that could always BR>
you serve, than to learn a lot, but nenoderīgu of knowledge. BR>
. . . man there is nothing more useful than man. I say - BR>
people to maintain their subsistence, can not wish BR>
nothing better than that all agreed with each other BR>
so that the mind and body as a form BR>
soul and body together to find what all BR>
useful. It follows that people who, mind BR>
guided by looking for yourself useful, was not anything that non-elected BR>
other people, and so they are fair, loyal and BR>
honestly. BR>
People have been doing it most useful to strengthen BR>
friendship. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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