We trust your own eyes - but they can not believe, we BR>
and rely on your heart - but it should not be relied upon. BR>
Remember ever the disciples: really not easy to get to know BR>
people! BR>
People are always in short supply. BR>
Man is neither angel nor animal, and his unhappiness BR>
lies in the fact that the more he seeks to emulate BR>
Angel, the more he becomes a pet. BR>
Man - constant pretense, lies, hypocrisy, not only BR>
other, but also his own front. He does not want to hear BR>
the truth about yourself, avoid it on to the other. And BR>
this trend, which is contrary to all reason and justice, is BR>
Deeply rooted in his heart. BR>
Man - a being without wings, with two feet wide and BR>
nails, which are able to realize the country. BR>
Man [. . ] Is some kind of god invented toy. It BR>
should also be taken into account [. . . ]. Playing live. BR>
Every man is unlike any other, and with every day BR>
becoming increasingly more similar to oneself. BR>
Man is the measure - the number of its existing BR>
there are non-existent and the extent to which they exist. BR>
our time man has a deadly kustonis; same in his BR>
soul-based copper and hatred. Of the many different BR>
foundations of nature, he chose himself as a major and deadly BR>
It created a divide between nature and the earth. When one is as natural BR>
in the product wakes up and feels good Veloso, he it BR>
the top focus of the deadly deep. He\'d feel BR>
closer to nature and closer to the flowers themselves, but they turned their BR>
narrow room, where they languish. He wants to love kustons but BR>
singing bird cage and makes house kustons doing for BR>
dumb slaves. He wants to love yourself like, but it BR>
Must Be on his property as a dead property. Love is BR>
the supreme principle in nature from the beginning. It is time to get out of BR>
kustons of people to us. BR>
It is worth to be a decent human being. At least no one you BR>
neapskaudīs. BR>
It is necessary to understand the man that he is - is this BR>
owner and creator of the world that he is responsible for BR>
all the troubles on earth, and that he himself also due BR>
kudos for all the good that can be obtained in life. BR>
It is decorated in a man: seek forever by the way BR>
he does not. BR>
nedzimst not honest, not nefarious. So that works BR>
people are doing an honorable or despicable. BR>
each of us there are two people, the latter condemns BR>
what does the first. BR>
Being a man - is to understand their responsibilities. To feel shame BR>
lack of front, which, as it may seem, is not the BR>
depends on you. Be proud of every member of your victory. BR>
Be aware that iemūrējot your brick, you help build BR>
the world. BR>
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