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Poems / Suffering

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And the prince suffered in an evil heart of martyrdom.
Is the world missing work, or hell?
to work out a lot of weather - much to learn.
[The Indians] They no longer accept their community, before the
he will not be passed through all the trials and will not be harsh
become able to endure hunger and thirst, big ant,
wasps, flies and other insect bites, wounds, by
committed himself in different parts of the body, in short, while
not mastered the ability to tolerate the worst pain
greatest strength and patience. It is more than
how to we become masters.
your suffering has arrived the end, if you\'re tired of it
suffer: you are free, if you have enough courage to become
Suffering is an evil, either to the body, - so that he does not
fairy tale - or soul. But the soul\'s power to keep
clarity and peace of mind and not recognizing evil.
There is only one suffering to be lonely.
It is not true that suffering makes noble character, sometimes
it manages to happiness, but suffering makes the majority of cases
petty and vindictive people.
not harm, unable to force a true virtue turn
life in the back: looking for the same suffering and pain as his
Who is afraid of suffering, it is already suffering from their own fears.
are able to tolerate it as inevitable.
Sustained and great suffering of a human tyrant.
If you is the ability to suffer, then you are in only a step from
capacity to be cruel - and the rights and obligations.
suffering, watched with disdain to the irresistible
a healthy person utter well-being of the same
contempt he treats his earlier excitement
against their closest and most precious illusions.
devil once said to me and God has his hell: it is his
love for people. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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