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Poems / Hope

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Hope is a form of happiness and perhaps the only happiness that
possible in this world.
[ Hope ]
The wildest hope, because it is durable.
[ Hope ]
Living on hope alone, it runs the risk of dying of starvation.
[ Hope ]
Hope - hoop, which does not rupture the heart.
[ Hope ]
is always better than despair.
[ Hope ]
Hope - usually a poor guide, although it is very good
[ Hope ]
Hope - benign lie: frustration when anger takes over us,
but generally without hope can not be enjoyed.
[ Hope ]
The expectations are to be handled the same way as with poultry: the
wings should be clipped so that they could not fly over the fence.
[ Hope ]
Enjoy today, do not put high hopes for the future.
[ Hope ]
Hope - unfortunate bread.
[ Hope ]
The tragic man is doomed, because nesatricināmāka and
Hope becomes challenging.
[ Hope ]
sick man hopes to become healthy, the poor - the rich.
[ Hope ]
Man lives only because of hope: in essence
hope is his only property.
[ Hope ]
Hope, no matter how the trick would be, at least serve our
to remove his entire life in a pleasant way.
[ Hope ]
Where there is hope, there is fear: fear is always hope
full of hope is always full of fear.
[ Hope ]

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