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Poems / Mortality

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State then die when no longer able to distinguish good
people from the bad.
two people can save each other where one is going
family dies, the family resolves age-old customs and
other family members become wicked. . . . The family
There is wickedness, then women become depraved. . . .
degenerate into a family of women, comes unwanted progeny.
Unwanted progeny turns life of hell in itself
family, and the family tradition of scavengers.
Who lost the sick, dying prematurely.
Verily, verily, I say to you, if the grain of wheat falls into
the ground and die, he remains one, but if he dies,
he bears much fruit. What my life there\'s a cute, then it
lost, but his life in this world hate it it
fled into exile to eternal life.
Everything you see, soon you will die, and everyone who sees
As it dies, and soon the same will be destroyed.
idea of ​​finality kills life.
great consolation - die with the whole world.
Pastarajās days will be terrible times, because people will
lovers of self, regardless of property, tall, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, bitterly,
do not love, incompatible, apmelotāji, Unrestrained,
nesavaldāmi, eliminate good, traitors, headlong,
vainly, mīlēdami more pleasure than to God, izrādīdami
external svētbijību, but denying its power.
flower guilty that her fall jāvīst?
Voltaire taught: \"The Enlightened people are, as it is
Freer. \"His followers Told the people:\" Because you\'re free,
Because you\'re Enlightened. \"Here ALSO lay in death.
Not earth, not in heaven, nor the structure of the universe, although it is driven
deities action: it will not save your lusts ever, come
day, it will be thrown out of their circulation. Everything takes place
his time: the whole to be born, grow up, perish.
soul sin disintegrating fabric of caustic lye, and when
the soul becomes weak, the flesh dies.
Fly-builder of panic, \"the days grow shorter ... Everything ... It
the end of the world. \" Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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