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Poems / Wealth

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fortunes diminish greed.
[ Wealth ]
You ask, what is the measure of wealth? The first - which is so,
as needed, the next - has been as much as suffice.
[ Wealth ]
But to complete the letter to get to me today
took the fancy - and it inspired a strange garden: \"A great treasure
the laws of nature are appropriate poverty. \"But do you also
we know what sets the limits of the law of nature? Not to suffer
neither hunger nor thirst, nesalt. To hunger and aizgaiņātu
thirsty, you\'re not proud jādeldē thresholds, nor put up with
bleak arrogance and offensive goodness, do not look for
happiness at sea or crusade, which, as required by nature, it is easy
approachable and available. Valleys due to excess perspiration. . . . .
Who gets along with his poverty, it is rich. Stay
[ Wealth ]
may despise all, no one can get everything: the shortest path
to riches is contempt of wealth.
[ Wealth ]
Gold Bridle hack the Trotters will not make.
[ Wealth ]
richest is to satisfy a few things, such as
satisfaction suggests a long wealth.
[ Wealth ]
fortunes from pārsātinājumu, satiety - impudence.
[ Wealth ]
How soulless and indifferent to the misfortune of another is rich
[ Wealth ]
limit their wishes, it is always enough
[ Wealth ]
fortunes like sea water, the more you drink the
more thirsty.
[ Wealth ]
foolish man became rich, then it has one wife surrounded by
the wise - make your comfortable house.
[ Wealth ]

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