When a family member has committed an offense BR>
not to pounce with accusations, but not the BR>
pretend that nothing happened. If the violation is BR>
embarrassed to speak directly, have your say roundabout, with the aid BR>
adequate similarity. If it is not immediately understood, BR>
repeat it day after day, and it will achieve its like BR>
As the spring winds carried away the cold and the heat melts BR>
the ice. Here\'s how to behave in the family. BR>
Initially, the most important is the mother\'s education, because BR>
morality is the aim to serve as a planted feeling. BR>
instructional goal is to make people independent of BR>
being t. i. endowed with free will being. BR>
Rude is being trained in cultured human skill. BR>
constantly give children a prize is not good. That way they BR>
become selfish, as a consequence of mercantile thinking. BR>
Nurturing is an art that application is under development BR>
changing the generation after generation. BR>
upbringing lies in the great perfection of human nature BR>
secret. BR>
instructional art ruled reads as follows: children are BR>
need to be educated rather than the present, but the future is likely to BR>
human race a better position. BR>
Man becomes man only through education. He is BR>
that which formed their education. BR>
If you want to lay the foundations of moral feelings should not be punished. BR>
Virtue is something to the extent sacred and sublime, that it BR>
not to humiliate and put in one degree of discipline. BR>
young people will constantly have to refresh the memory of gold BR>
Law: anything superfluous! Everywhere to be protected from BR>
showing any and disgust. BR>
children always have to be busy. This is very useful, BR>
because not only did not discourage, but do it for them BR>
always have something to do. BR>
only the person is stable and imperturbable in BR>
absorbed his life origins. BR>
There are children who are endowed with a sharp mind and curiosity, but BR>
wild and stubborn. These are usually in school and hates BR>
always considered to be bad, but they are BR>
comes out great people, if only they are an appropriate way BR>
brought up. BR>
There is nothing more difficult to re-educate the ill-mannered people. BR>
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