Together with the relatives of eating and drinking, but netirgojies, with br>
the enemy was trading, but with inaudibility. BR>
If my friend is now friends with my enemy, then I do BR>
nesaieties better with these friends. Turned from sugar BR>
mixed with poison, fear fly that sat on the dead BR>
snakes. BR>
We are looking for new friends when we are old too good BR> familiar. BR>
Be courteous to everyone, friendly to many BR>
unceremonious - only rarely. BR>
A person can develop a variety of relationships with other people: BR> he can love, hate can be, he can compete, can BR > work, can lead to social system based on the br> or equal authority, the freedom or violence, but BR> to him one way or another be built that relationship and BR> This form of relationship depends on his character . BR>
netikumiskām relationship itself is netikumiskā BR>
attitude towards their children as slaves. BR>
slog best friend than an enemy kisses. BR>
are the hardest to establish the right relationship with women and BR>
servants, if they are too pietuvināsi - they will lose BR>
reverence, if too postpone - you will hate. BR>
Misfortune two hearts united by more than luck. Common BR>
suffering - much closer links than common joy. BR>
love, old friendship foam has disappeared. BR>
Who loves the land, the land of love. BR>
relationship between parents and children are equally complex BR>
and as severe as loving others. BR>
Platonic - that\'s where it is milder and friendship BR>
strongest hatred. BR>
to embrace his wife, climbed the steps below, but a friend BR>
looking for a step up. BR>
primitive group relationships are almost always BR>
hostile. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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