Funeral / Celebration traditions
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Funeral / Celebration traditions

BēresBēru or bedību rituals over time have remained largely unchanged , although the ancient Latvians honor those noted two or three days. The sequence of events had such a funeral - the funeral preparations , vāķēšana , discharge, bedīšana sand hill , mourners return to the yard , funeral feasts and property division . The first day of mourners are expected to participate in the deceased person's vāķēšanā , during the whole night burning candles . If the deceased was a young man who during his lifetime has not yet had time to get married , after midnight the man was drunk wedding with drinking and dancing . The deceased to the cemetery was eliminated on the second day , and was an ancient customary that the cemetery has not traveled all - at home remained the deceased parents of the bride , sister, children . The deceased in the grave was given a pot of honey , just as long as the deceased is laid in the ground to open the tomb held a funeral feast . Home stayers in the meantime take a ritual dance , thus reducing the stayers' grief for the deceased . Deceased in the home is transferred to tree , whose branches are monkey mourners , inviting them to die . This ritual followed by a funeral feast , and in the same or the next day - division of property in accordance with the wishes of the deceased . What to eat : A funeral feast ancient Latvians had eaten bread , Caras , meat, peas, beans , as well as a thick porridge and drinking beer . As the last dish given cooked cabbage with meat . Beliefs : None funeral should not drink beer, or a little above the ground without removing brannvin . If the funeral day nice and clear time - deceased in his life done a lot of good . If a dead man burial rain comes on , dead man bring a blessing to those who remain . If you go out at the funeral of one of the candles which are at the corpse at the house one more die . Funeral feast, the first mouthful of dog should . What it does not do you tap disease . Folk celebration : Oh, adores , her , adores , although I also have a new die , I would be lying kalniņāKā rosette backyard . .

Funeral / Celebration traditions

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