Zenta Maurina
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Poems / Zenta Maurina

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the intrinsic value of human settle his ability to love.
, there is no coercion and serve, not being a slave.
Duty without love is like a tree without leaves.
Love always finds a way - either piepildīdamās, or refusing.
What love is invulnerable. To love is - a daily burden to bring together the evening before the threshold.
Love also reveals dižumu small life. Love the ocean is so endless, that at the same refusal to make people richer.
What love is never alone. Even if not, if no one is near him.
True love between two beings are spiritual linking fusion.
hottest feud is just as abysmal as viskvēlākā love.
If love is worship, it excludes jealousy, but if it is the desire to possess and acquire it without jealousy is unlikely.
people what love is essential part of our lives. In Him we live.
Every Once infatuated passion come to the moment When in Doubt ask yourself: Do I love or hate?
view of love ignited the fire, the daily profit and the weakness will be swallowed up.
first love is not the deepest or the truest, but the hardest to go because of its go, go of his past, but maybe sometimes - or at least once in their lives - they are on leave.
rainbow has seven colors, but love - seven times seven.

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