Rama answer stopper opponent\'s mouth. Saturiņicīts>
And from time immemorial it was that love does not know its own depth until the time of divorce. Saturiņicīts>
Only endless grief or joy gezgalīgs can reveal your true nature. Saturiņicīts>
When love calls you, then follow it, even though the road is hard and steep. And when you embrace the wings, then the yield to it, although the hair of the blade can hurt you. And when it speaks to you, then believe in it, even if its voice can ruin your dreams, and burns north garden. Saturiņicīts>
mountains, where do you sit and enjoy the cool shade Zooms out from the fields and meadows, peace and tranquility, then allow your heart say in silence, \"God dwells in intelligence. \"But when a crazy wind storm and the great arc of the forests, when thunder and lightning message of heavenly grandeur - then allow your heart to say reverence:\" God gets passion. \"
And since you\'re the breath of God and the world sheet
God in the woods, then you may go to the mind dwell
expression and passion. Saturiņicīts>
And if you want to understand God, then you become because of the dough.
Rather, look at around you, and you will see Him playing with your kids. And see the universe in space, you\'ll see him walking in the clouds,
stretch your hands lightning and descending upon the earth in rain. You\'ll see him smile the flowers, then - ceļamies up and homes with tree branches. Saturiņicīts>
. . . soul walking along different paths. Soul or go straight ahead, nor as a reed growing straight. The soul reveals itself like a flower that raises countless petals. Saturiņicīts>
you want to measure the time it is boundless and infinite. You want to run their daily lives, and even direct the course of his soul in accordance with the hours and seasons. Same time you want to convert
the time the river, which bank would sit, watching the flow. Saturiņicīts>
Protect me from the difficulties that knows no tear, a philosopher who does not know laughter, and the dižuma that nenoliec head in front of children. Saturiņicīts>
truth, which requires evidence to be only half-truths. Saturiņicīts>
I say, \"If you see a slave asleep, nemodina him because he sees a dream of freedom. \"But I say,\" If you will see a slave asleep, pamodināšu him and tell him what freedom is. \" Saturiņicīts>
female hand that coiled around the man\'s neck, a life preserver, the fate thrown him out of heaven. Saturiņicīts>
man is the worst predator in the world, because only specific people to hunt their counterparts. Saturiņicīts>
absolute majority of people believe they are thinking, but in fact they have their own bias power. Saturiņicīts>
In fact, the evolution of the animal to the person determined in such a way that, over time, decrease anxiety causes. Saturiņicīts>
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