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Poems / General citations

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-man needed only three archins land.
-Not the people but the corpse. A person need all the earth.
Russian person likes to remember, but does not love to live.
a good education and not show it, that you neaplej napkin with sauce, but that does not pay attention when someone else.
Vodka is white, but stained nose and denigrate the reputation.
A good man is a shame sometimes even the dog.
If people agree, and suddenly become completely honest, the whole world turn around in the leg in the air.
all know and understand all the only fools and charlatans.
The trouble is that the simplest questions we are trying to solve cunning, thus making them unusually difficult.
tikumiskāks, attīstiskāks mind and more free, more fun to give life.
Not Excusable mockery of another\'s suffering.
Everything is mysterious and incomprehensible so scary.
Each of us has too many screws, rollers and valve, so that we can judge one another from the first look at two or three external signs.
is never superfluous to ask yourself - what am I doing meaningful or just nonsense? If you want, so you do not then, then do nothing at all.
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