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Poems / General citations

Page : 23
Democracy, excluding all other forms of government, is draņķīgākais way of governing, but there is nothing better than it is fictional.
The Russians have always been undervalued, even though they know how to keep secrets, not only from ievaidniekiem, but also from friends.
most excited about the power of the Russians, and there is nothing in what they are respected even less than military weakness.
The main disadvantage of capitalism, uneven distribution of benefits, the main advantage of socialism - steady limit distribution.
If we start a war between the past and present, it appears that we have lost the future.
Books, and the long-silenced voices, makes us spiritual life in bygone times heirs.
There is no greater happiness and prosperity to the people, made by criminal means.
Do not love so much and loved ones when they run the risk of losing.
females are both more tolerant and piekļāvīgāks.
family life, the key is patience. . . Love Can not go on indefinitely.
Men\'s logic never be dealing with women\'s logic.
loves us and we believe in, there we are bored, but happy we are where we love and believe in themselves.
When you love, you will discover a wealth of himself, so much subtle tenderness, even seems incredible that you say love.
trip to Paris with his wife is the same as a ride on the Tulu with his cooks.
Medicine teaches that usually die unmarried, went crazy, but married die nepaguvuši jumble. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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