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Poems / General citations

Page : 21
Hope is the ability to fight a desperate situation.
Charity is a force capable of protecting
it does not as a method of operation.
Style - thoughts rig.
Women are men\'s gold in possession of her, of course, does not make it heavier, but gold gives a higher shine and luster.
Deceit and mistrust - that is, they are tools used by women.
love in importance is greatly exaggerated: awkward posture, enjoying - short-term, but the effects - the most serious.
I believe indolence as a sort of suicide.
Visdumjākais person in the world Experiencing The Same feelings as the smartest.
In politics, as well as the trade name must be of good character. Neither one nor the other many times is not possible to cheat.
True wit is so rare feature that many of delight, most of its aims, all of them dangerous, but if you appreciate it, only theirs.
Wherever we go, our reputation, not
important - good or bad, will be in front of us.
scientist must search for the truth, to appreciate this more than their personal preferences and relationships.
Who has not experienced that love awakens and
suggests that all human efforts, it also knows
true love.
child aspārcietis less offensive, grow up to be people who are aware of its value. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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