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Poems / General citations

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love for a woman to connect with the love of God.
Love, which is suffering and distress that would cease to be love, it turns into a reverent apcerēšanu those women who embody the highest
Love inspires me, the sweet tenderness overflowed, that I am everything in her power and often becomes completely helpless and passive.
novel, with no deaths, I feel lifeless.
A good novel tells the reader the truth about the main character, the poor - the truth about the author.
Each of us wants to inform him of honest, sincere, selfless and completely in accordance with his beliefs.
not simply set out the news, but everything is presented as news.
traditions mean to give up their voices
vismīklainākajai of the party - the party of our ancestors.
Grief is joy in the second half.
man who even partially devoid of a sense of humor, just part of being human.
Friends tāfu loves you, what you, the wife loves you and wants to make about other people.
copyright reasons, it is surprising that it still happens.
fanatic is as serious about their views.
If you have not felt the temptation to violate one of the commandments, then you do something wrong.
arrogant apology is yet another insult. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

Mājas lapa kurā vari pilnveidot savas garīgās prasmes, izpratni un sazināties ar saviem pavadoņiem vai eņģeļiem. Mājas lapu ir izveidojuši cilvēki kuri spēj sazināties telepātiski ar Eņģeļiem, nākotnes cilvēkiem kā arī saviem pavadoņiem. Ja vēlies piedalīties kādā no mājas lapas rīkotajiem semināriem droši piesakies : Semināru saraksts
Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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