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eager followers of creepers, which does not tend to never rise above the trees on which they are based, and often sinks down after it failed to reach an ending, that is, becomes in some sense less knowledgeable.
those who mazpamazām science reveals the truth, is almost the same position as those who, when they have already been to the wealth, it becomes easier to get a large benefit than before, being poor, - to much smaller.
The reason why many think that it is difficult to explore God and even difficult to determine what is in their soul, is that they never picks up his mind over the perceptible things and are so accustomed to contemplate only what may be the imagination that what can not paint, they seem subtle mind.
My biggest benefit was that, watching a lot of something that seems to us strange and funny, but other large nations and is widely recognized, I learned not to believe too much of what
I am persuaded only by example and habit.
If I had been taught from youth all the truths which I have been looking for evidence, and if I should have learned not to nenopūloties, I probably would have never known any other truth, and in any case would never have gained such changes and agility, which, I think I have to find more and more the truth, unless they work hard, I was looking for.
Travellers, where they lost in the woods, do not maldoties soon turn to one side, as soon as the other, and certainly do not have to stay on the ground, but always walk in the same direction as straight as possible, and not to change the direction of a non-serious
justification for the slaughter at the beginning of the choice may have been quite accidental: since when, following rīkodamies, they will not go exactly where
wanted, they still end up somewhere, and probably will go out there feel better than the middle of the forest.
a keen follower of manner of philosophising is very handy, especially those who strongly aproežotas mental abilities, such as the followers of the definition used and the uncertainty principle allows weaker minds to speak of all things as brave as they are aware, and provides cover for all that they claim these things contrary to wisdom and skill of people
opinion, which it is not possible to expose them.
Those who rely on their natural sense, to be judged more appropriate than those who only believe in ancient books.
Talk to other centuries is almost the same as - travel. It\'s good to know anything about other people\'s morals to be healthier to judge
than ours, and so do not think all that different from our customs is ridiculous and unreasonable, as they imagine those who have not seen anything. However, if you spend too much travel
time, it may eventually become a stranger in his land, and excessive interest in the events of past centuries often leads to the ignorance of those who deal with ours.
Common sense is a fairer split thing in the world: because everyone believes that it is fitted so well that even those who are very hard to be happy in other respects, tend not to want more common sense, as they already have.
greatest spirits are able both to the greatest vices as well as the greatest virtues, and also those who walk slowly are able to move far ahead, if they always go the right way, unlike those who run and deviate from it.
When God creates a chapel, Satan is always there installed a chapel.
pameklē well in any situation can be found
Hazardous to judge the women in theory, for they have no laws, only rules.
love a woman - it is the same quest for
highest in the love of God, as beloved creature is the perfect woman - an angel. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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