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In this world there is nothing stable: today you can be a lifetime peak, but tomorrow - street gutters. We are led cursed living conditions, and they run very poorly.
classical work can be done well by those who already nosrmojuši armor. Only in the mid-term and End of the beginning brings light in darkness.
one that I seem to have plenty of tools and a few ideas, there are many other ideas and tools are not at all. Truth interest requires that those who think, finally please the to join them,
Mind has its own prejudices, feelings - his insecurity, memory - its limits, imagination - their fallacy, instruments - a shortcoming. Events in the infinite, the causes may be hidden, forms can be transient. We have no other means to so many obstacles that we find ourselves and nature that makes us outside, and only experience that is sluggish, and speculation is limited.
gone away to think.
Women toys - silence, and commendable ease of wear.
Manly is not only what the enemy wins, but a person who \'ALSO HAS Power over Their own desires. There are thos who \'rule over the cities, but is ALSO a female slave.
Untimely derived satisfaction from dissatisfaction.
honest and dishonest people are determined not only by his works, but also by his desires.
man should be evaluated not only at work but also for his efforts.
Do not try to necessarily know the whole leave no fool.
never has bezprātības feature.
People who belittle others are unable to
learned from a friend\'s secret, not give it, as will become an enemy: you give blow not the enemy, but friendship.
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