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Fools money is smart possessions.
vices detrimental to people occasionally, vice outward signs of damage to them from morning till night. It seems that the best perk of reality than to be ashamed to look: he who is the brazen nature of the insults every now and then, it has a brassy appearance, insults ever.
not going to the theater to watch the tears, but listen to the language in which they are caused.
Sensitivity is not at all characteristic of high genius. He loves justice, but based on the virtues, neizbaudot its sweetness. Makes all the heart, not head.
If you are even slightly sensitive, you\'re less than a curtain enemy attacks friends defense.
Throughout the kingdom there is only one man who goes - it is the ruler, all other postures adopted.
nil sub sole novum / is not nothing new under the sun / is just a bias, which causes a weakness of our organs, our imperfections and our life is brief.
moral domain, they say, quot capita, tot sensus / the head, so the mind /, the right would be saying the exact opposite: nothing is more common in the head and so rare that in mind.
naturalist, whose job is to teach rather than teach, to refuse to use the word \'why\' and will deal only with the word \'how\'. The word \'how\' is derived from the creatures, the word \'why\' - from our understanding.
simple person always asking: \'Who is it useful?\' - and the speculator should never come into a situation where you would have to answer: \'Nothing. \'
transform only a gradual, slow and
explicit action. Any other effect is just devastating.
usually tend to be the case that nature is more dižums mutually opposite properties of a natural balance.
They say: A good name worth more than gold filled belt. However, those who have good fame, not wealth, but now I see that those who have wealth, there is no shortage of good fame.
Wit and art have their limits. They nepzīst only God, and some rare geniuses whose field is expanding at the same time with him by moving it forward.
man confined their insights portrayed to merit eternal beings, and forever, his throne as the heights of their hears and knows his intentions, listen to his silly smiles and praises for his arrogance. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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