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Poems / General citations

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I am what I am, and I remain what I am, but acted and spoke as due.
lies we drink full of firewood, but the bitter truth drop by drop to full. And then we added is so thoughtful and sincere look.
Whenever kadman heard someone devoted to praise, they me angry secretly. I\'m envious. When I as a private life I hear something in their shame, I listen with pleasure. It brings us closer. This makes it easier for me to endure his own mediocrity.
The muram need written instructions, will not go to far; geniuses read a little, a lot of work and darinapaši yourself.
very strange ideas deserve more than one test.
Children, like adults, and adults, like children in general are far more likely than uzjautrināties learn.
When the belly kurkst, conscience and honor the voice sounds very weak.
worth a man so worthy of his position, and vice versa - how worthwhile position, so worthy of the man. Each of his office, trying to give as much value as possible.
artificial izstrādāumi be rude, incomplete and poorly for so long, until recognizes the need to
harder to imitate nature.
Nature is like a woman who loves to dress up in different outfits and are left uncovered soon, as soon as the second part, giving hope to those who devote much attention to it, learn about it sometime in their entirety.
He who does not know how to run your ECU, no richer for it, which only has one ECU.
Miracles occur where they believe.
only honest I was in the HAVING none. Who Villain denis God\'s Existence is partijisks Judge: He is a man Who is afraid and who \'Fear the repayment of the wicked.
The world is not a place where religious
differences in land neslaucītu tears.
Christian fear of hell and you atņemsiet his faith. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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