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Poems / General citations

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heart, because it occurs earlier.
There are things that can both forgive but not forget.
You get used to do things without thinking, without confidence in the fairness and validity, but only after the orders, a person becomes indifferent to good and evil and has no qualms committing
crimes against public morality feelings on the pretext that \"it commanded. \'
None so rude to subordinates are not treated as those who prostrated themselves bosses.
Each outstanding achievements in science began as an audacious imagination.
I\'ve always believed that every woman should be married, but a man - a bachelor.
talked to a woman as much as possible more often. This is the best school.
Fairness - it is the truth in action.
Youth does not recognize the errors of maturity years struggling with them, age them unhappy.
Life is too short to be spent on nonsense.
Any work created by the genius of enthusiasm inevitably result.
wife can only give advice, but the choice is man\'s tie event.
Visskaistāajām women are least likely to get a valuable man.
Almost all women tend to transform a man, but when it works, for her to lose interest.
Women beauty is more important than the mind, because the man can see better than think. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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