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Poems / General citations

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entangle quickly invents a completely implausible, impossible to detail that can not happen, a lie becomes much more reliable.
the real Truth always seem improbable: that it be believed, it must be mixed with a little present lies.
There is a difference between praise and toadyism. Praise of generosity, but toadyism - sulainiskuma features.
Transplants Do not be surprised about anything - it certainly is
nonsense, and not a sign of wisdom.
to have cursed the cilivizācijas cilivizācija same interests and if they maintain jānomauc human skin.
jury podod criminals, but has trouble when criminals begin to justify ourselves.
For some things can not be determined until after the same have not survived.
[ General citations ]
alms killed both employers and workers, and does not reach the target, because only add to the deficit.
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Zūdod honor, it remains only a formula equal to the downfall of honor.
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Life is more to love about the meaning of life.
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When there is no salvation, something still is - to run for help to another.
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Being able not to want anything - it is already happiness.
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life either has no value, or if there is, it can be found in everything.
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loves you, then you have no other care needed.
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We love the property, but We shall not be liable to pretmīlestību. This is Unfair.
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