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Poems / General citations

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political friends are enemies to unite to defeat the third enemy.
Reliance on the opponent\'s stupidity is sometimes a mistake. Sometimes even bigger mistake is relying on the wings of a conciliator.
Art is honey stored in the human soul, which is flown by the labor and difficulties in the wings.
Only a strong love can be offset by the small
differences that are inherent to the common family life.
true beauty is obtained only if it has a tragedy.
Words are only pale shadows of the many thoughts That are miscible us in the head.
Words are only small posmiņi who has high feelings and aspirations for which we do not talk loudly.
The people should be judged by their successes, not failures.
smart woman and a jealous woman - two different entities. . .
Falling in Love is not love. . . Can fall in love and hates.
\'s amazing how big a share of some people in uniform.
plague is a contagious disease. The unfortunate need to shy away from each other to nesasirgtu more.
Money - how pigeons: fly and fly again.
But loving a woman, oh, loving woman - even the vices, even loved being sinister us Apgar.
Our women are more and more saman sincerity, susceptibility, seriousness and honesty, justice and the search for self-sacrifice. . . Woman lying less. . . Become self-sufficient woman, more tolerant, more than the man she wants to run the same operating within, not only to
turn out to be. Is it really from there, we expect a lot of help? Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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