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Poems / General citations

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Religion is the human reaction to life.
Company degrade in the absence of impulses of the individual personalities: Personality degrade, if not receiving any public favor.
woman - our mainstay.
sometimes easier to read between the lines than row after row.
Activate all your good qualities and use them whenever the opportunity and the belief that they will gain power EXERCISE similar to the physical body and such exercises will turn them into a habit.
Humanity is far most of the world does not come with the saddle on him, like a handful of the elect are not born with piešotiem boots up, and with God\'s kind permission to ride on other people.
most people are prone to suffer rather than fighting to eliminate the causes of suffering.
most expensive we paid in the accident, which we are so well nepiemeklēja.
Caring for human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate objective of good government.
My country - where there is freedom.
I can not live without books.
I\'ve sworn at the altar of God eternal war with any form of tyranny over the human mind.
We will ever praise the woman called the mother.
Each aphorism begs to be perfected, and explained, as well as the truth wants to be the highlights and describes its relativity. Who is subject to this trick, in the first case destroys the aphorism, the second - losing the truth.
too often proves true, then a lot of enemies. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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