flowering time
this spring
and my beautiful youth -
you also. Saturiņicīts>
Each bud takes time, sun, air and moisture to flourish and bear seeds. It is also our own desires by force can not be implemented. Persistence and patience crowned the work tough and also helps to grow a small garden of colorful roses. Saturiņicīts>
What I wanted to give up on you today:
To each his own happiness to be found
Your friends should meet the same for each,
Each jāsasalst himself and jāapsnieg,
Every March the same sun jāatkūst
And the apple from the fruit weight jānolūst.
Each jārūgst himself until the yeast -
Just so the people we grow up. Saturiņicīts>
He who wants to please people
is a pleasure to carry himself.
He who wants the world to bring the heat
is carried inside the fire.
He who wants to help,
must be filled with love.
He who on earth wants to achieve peace,
needs to find peace in your heart. Saturiņicīts>
To express love for fatherland we fit the source of the strength and atspirgums drawn to the forces weary of hardship. Saturiņicīts>
Every morning is a new thirst
Understand more deeply. Kairāk love.
Extend the above. Get more. Saturiņicīts>
green white-haired young adulthood to say?
- Lead the life that is at say:\'\' Vila!\'\'
How to achieve it? - It is first and foremost commandment
And visupēdējais - is just\'\' love\'\'. Saturiņicīts>
you, youth, nereibs from a height
You calmly walk over dzelmeņa,
It pārstiepusi the bridge
Own golden hair. Saturiņicīts>
mostošā My land, I,
today was born,
modo it when you wake up.
All alone, in a galaxy -
can not you be my province
because there can be the province - the heart.
My mostošā land, you get up and mine
wings stretched from horizon horizon. Saturiņicīts>
to your heart, where so many feel
Love this land nenobeidz
And the world you will always be
Like a flower, which opens for the first time. Saturiņicīts>
If that is victorious, then this moment, right here,
This has just possible stem grain.
Everything can be achieved - while still staring eyes.
Everything possible - before it is called on behalf of. Saturiņicīts>
you to always go through it
In this life, defeating the whole,
And his head full of thoughts swarm,
The sun high lifting
I\'m not the mayor, not you\'re the mayor.
Mayor - the star to which you will open your eyes. Saturiņicīts>
Courage to withstand
Courage in yourself to sow
Abilities, pašiespēju
bravely face their
hold back, nenovērsties.
The fact that your light will
encircle the dark - will win. Saturiņicīts>
It is important that we are guided by one goal, although at first glance do not see it. This is not a goal in mind, and spirit. Saturiņicīts>
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