pārziedēs Tomorrow ... as endorsed by the white land,
A total stranger and will be turned into everything
Along the way will leave a white winter white mēnessdārznieks,
On my desk, flower, floral leaves.
Now I walk in silence,
With juniper root shut the door behind him,
Green around the brightness,
On my wrist cranberry viz.
Are they tired clouds,
Are you behind the clouds, mother,
Maybe dievkoka darker green branch
Yet you can talk with ...
When will the swan wings whiter,
After bezmiegnakts I am a holy hour,
When unfinished dreams drūzmējas at the door
And pusiesāktie work knocks at the gate,
But silence is disturbing
As a flight above the sea.
I ask for Eternity:
- Is that your touch? -
And silver light
through a linen mist flow.
I\'m at home,
if nothing is lost
The word unsaid,
light grows, become silver and silent.
and white pūpoldienai someone wants to take away my soul
And then wrap a linen mist.
Is the light eternal as the sea radiation
And land trust, something indestructible darkness.
Will remain white working mūžiņā my records.
when everything is snow covered,
I am a white forest temple then go
Another star going to ask a handful of winter midnight.
my way along the white birch trees -
My life span,
What is behind it, or re-birch consolation?
Or just a quiet, calm endless?
When I tired,
Put me in the hands of
A small fragment of bees Svētvakara,
At atsmaržos its white flowers apiary,
What else did not manage my songs shine.
Come, Mother, Christmas Eve,
The eternal candle light touch could be felt
And at the ancient book,
There, between the pages of frost,
It is as if part of my childhood would be.
Slow, slow, painful progress,
Asarota sun set.
Mist of doing native tales,
I do not go tales.
Flowers wilt, wilt of mint,
A long, long winds sad.
Silvery sails of dreams
Black pines darken the grave.
Slow, slow the pace today,
Neatnākšu visit tomorrow.
Pair of love, over dreaming
Homeland in the sand falls.
Skaniet quiet, gender forests
Cemetery ventures succeed mint bloom;
Make sure that the low speed
White plowman homeward go.
yet at hand stiff
Rye ears included in the present.
It is as if desirous of re-
Dear Druvas call.
Go slow, gray peas,
Cemetery gate tell the story of course,
Across the heart hushed
Land sand blanket class.
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