Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

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I go -
quietly go away,
terminated, but unbroken
and its star ticošs.
Engine will ask to move your hands
mother of the usual cross winding -
hands rested,
only the white candle
flame sore shadow dies.
... but glowing star and KAIST,
until darkness falls.
You seek for the free again tomorrow:
all subject to the rhythm -
arise, to visit, go out -
come out of the darkness and the darkness to fall.
candles melt,
and dynamic RUS,
Candle sounds gentle,
and tears flowing from the candle,
of stayers cheek.
Comes a long night,
wilt of needles article
just love standing over time -
the silent grave the hill will come,
so worth darling face.

Will not necessarily provide
is white and pleasure -
between the friction trouble walking
and causes flakes infusible
to your silent face.
There is the sound,
Just quietly steps
And Drops of Rain Outside the Window
and cheeks
Sneak ...
. . But the river Freezes -
Anywhere in neaiztecēs,
single candle - white shadow-covered candles. .
yesterday was bare earth,
Fine drops of rain descended,
Yesterday meadow flower pots,
Spring villages called.
But the night quietly, quietly
White ZEIM come.
yesterday was blue sili
And you are noble dream castle
High labor stock,
Star TĀLES found to Emergency ...
You creep softly, softly
White winter came.
different days
different winds
Various hurry
but goes beyond one -
One person is not born
just go
go as often as
even faster than -
Vizbuļi -
again under the snow.
Disappearing dream ...
Laughing blizzard white ...
The Life
Death meets.
Moment of the soul falls frosty.
Once the day, unsolicited, and harsh,
When deep, deep into many hearts ache.
and all tekām nenoskrietām
cry that life is short and evil
white board to go against western
mulstošās and melas in the sky
silence sky sounds
hands full of snow I
full mouth word to me
the sore which it that reads
pusvārdā stopped running
drove an ice rampart
but I went moose
hard wading through the snow

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