Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

Page : 6
With a sharp moment of the star door,
And infinity of man go
And meets the sky somewhere.

Well, the star finally tired
And rays drawn softly, softly.
And deep in the night man bass
Go bury your stars.
Site arranged hook.
APSE klsui crying.
I Do not go. I\'m staying.
But the wind called me away.
And the star of the highest
I light the fate of the game.
I\'m leaving in memory -
Warm in a dream under the wing vernacular.
it will be measured
after weighing,
or rural aris
forests bluish shadows divides,
I am sad to no end
and pain without end.
Behind the windows of the morning stars set to light,
soon panes uzbsies first ray of sunshine.
Not Moaning Myrtle,
breath already silenced,
no longer inviting lips softly, softly,
dwelleth no longer powerless to slow rock.
you your song jāizdzied -
jāizdzied eternal song.
\'s left friends,
remaining relatives,
and you move quietly, quietly ...
. . nor love,
no luck
nor evil -
there is nothing you can not anymore Scouts.
You do not ask
life again
let you live.
The sun runs its course,
where she should go;
people to go its course,
where they intended to go, -
You only have one place,
in one place,
in one place,
yet to leave ...
gently, gently
Bring on the shoulders

quietly, quietly
the white sand deposit
my eyes closed in a white sand.
You will stay amber, soft and warm.
Through it in the sun by opened,
if ever there was an evil day SMIE.
What is a dream come
someone away in a hurry,
everything ever in a hurry,
everything once begun,
everything - ever come to an end.
And if there is not anything dzrīt.
Only then,
the sad face endowed,
then remember that the thistles
has been
flowering time.
you no more than -
so people will say
and bird cry,
diedams over the grave.
It whispers of the wind,
You miss skriedams.
And gray beginning there after thee field
salt in your sweat drunk.

You no more than -
the people in pictures
and tear from the cheek-cake,
but my eyelids is dry -
not true
that thee not.

When spring snow irdinās,
You atzelsi.
With grass green eyes
You turn blue in the sky mirror
sasmaidīsies the sun,
cast sačukstēsies
and plauksi gently smelling flowers.

Over your shoulders klāsies moss heavy scarf,
What will be drawn zeltskarainām bent.
Its quiet whisper your name will be called. -
It is not true, grandmother, that you do not!
Kokle, white, good lute,
you silently, silently you?
Pale fingers Gyrd hand -
Kokle asleep.

What do you quietly, in a good lute?
Kokle asleep.
Across the warm autumn flowers
sound, light vibrates quietly ...
Everything, everything will disappear once.
Even the sand behind the ozolsienas
of the night over the rain.
to me over the rain.
And my rainy
white and my days
and burned candles
goes off.

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