Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

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life of the Latvian blue mountains,
Ever there is no peace beneath the Latvian birch,
Ever the clarion cry of the Latvian mountains.
My Song, sneak silently,
As the flower rain dew.
My song, wilt softly
As the piles of grass to wilt.
Dziest spark,
Below the branches grow dark,
And in the quiet woods
A saddened heart.
gureniem steps on the mountain
I am stepping down to dim.
Skid Salta my chest shadows
And three tears to the face.
izbridīšu through the mist
I drug shoes presented in a BIRS
I\'ll stay, I nezudīšu
disappear like mist as the dew is loosening
its leaves, its leaves to take the wind
flying an orphan bent trees
remain calm so the infinite
how long are endless
When I no longer have
Claes years and my face,
Above the ground, a jazz play
And flower children upstairs dance
when I will no longer be
Words cry glow windows
And above the roofs of carmine
Light up my hands.
When I no longer have
My blood drains guldzēs
And again a new spring
Pulse of the city\'s streets.
as not to allow it to roll back pain
that someone else hurts twice as much
at thy feet white white land
scythe and her decide to stay
rays of the Sun called upon us -
Life on a green ground wind,
For more than light in the sky will be.
the red clay is my pos
already turning in converting
and leaving the land
ķeizarkroni the sky
green grass around my life.
There I\'ll stay, will return there.
Will go dark at night paganīties
Green Hall, a black field.
aizsoļo time.
Behind us far ahead of lightning.
Light not only pain
Asarojas eyelid.
and opened the book
With thousands of white plates full,
Which taketh away the moment for eternity.

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