Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

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Once a driving course will conclude
Nenosirmojis or broken,
Say thank you goodbye
My bright side of heaven!
Zaros green mist weaves
And my heart is flowing,
Birches at the cradle was
Time is at the tomb will be ...
And through the tiny seed,
What lies deep in the snow,
From the warm heart of the earth
Blooms will rise again.
old hall
Last bent and trembling,
But dievgosniņa lift
From the palm of your desire

And drift on the wings
To the unknown tales.
On the day the sky dunes
As blue cathedral ...
golden-pink evening clouds I can see you entering the gates of heaven. Your stars Blue Christmas steps away sounding carried away.
You Light the candle,
Night winds that neizpūtīs ...
The intensely bright chest
Did you go, all welcoming.
Well, your fame said,
You Light the candle,
Night winds that neizpūtīs ...
Mild hand to you leaving affected,
White eternity quietly waiting at the gate.
Winter is out to offer a wonderful prizes
White trees standing guard over the sad head bent down.
Sniedziņš the flowers from the sky going gray,
Gently on the green funeral herring-bone shed.
Ice freezes Astras dus
I dream of a homeland pillow will cause
With him I will get lucky again
Dusēšu and sweet as a mother\'s arms -
Even the death agony.
ears of the sting rays,
Quiet fleeing along the debesmalu.
Gurdenīgi day to go to the tip.
Arms above, barbarisa branches.
One of the hermit and live esu,
The sorrow I bring to friends\' graves.
dead, lying in the sea of ​​sand,
Weep it up, it goes tribal tribes.
Deaths from old ties free
Across the cemetery begins a new life.
They are the tears of sand sedzat,
New faces in the middle you see.
between two eternities, the two nights mild
It is the beginning and end of the earth child walk.
Its the one he left the womb at birth,
It will meet the other two laipnas sisters -
There are two eternal, there are two laipnas sisters -
Among them - the atrocious living color.
It was nurturing one, the other - pity
And anxious heart will give what I want.
With wings like an angel pārslotu affect me,
Top of the star and the choir can be heard.
thine crown all,
Dzīšu sad or difficult,
How tired bull Sail dusty feet -
That will lift your eyes, my friend,
What you will be called back from a distance
The gray mountain home?

You see, I\'m going with you
You pale hand to press
And up thine suffer as starch you with me.
But all the gates hard.
DUS aizkusuši knell,
Piles of crosses erected.

Both shadows aizkaltusi few pages
And a few hiding in the shadow dust -
Oh, the life aizauž spiders -
But in the middle nevītusi shines
White Rose - your heart.
Jasmine daudzstarains branches.
to sing with the sound?
Heart no friend left.
Salt, a cold wind names.
Villainīte pielijusi.
behind this living green shore
Black River rocks are lost.
Burden of pain in her sink,
She leads where Trud.

Going out of my main stars,
My white mountain roads.
Dry mist, tumble late,
I was carried away into oblivion.

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