Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

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Mother, you necelšu monument
In memory of your fire before we have to burn -
For generations the heating flame -
Ease of Latvian folk songs.
days remaining years,
Neuzcelti houses remain -
Go me linden branches
Daugava līgodami ...
In the hardest time even Hope, still Hope,
June Hope, Island of Hope December!
Put shovels, spades set aside,
Wait a moment, neapberiet
white sky, leave, leave open,
West stop, stop the sun set!
Do you hear a low, hard winterly,
Walking around the green fir-life parade
Each needle is a stepping stone eternity why -
Sil smell you today from the tops of the climb,
Give us think about the meeting last circle
Enables us to communicate thoughts, force and pain
Years glittering rings and closes the wall,
Years interspersed with dreams, with a long - long.
Your children, Mother, you will leave here a long time,
Come and stood up on a beam of memory, one by one.
space needle passes the smell,
And how many candles this life it seems.
Only to that which gives light, the branches of a place
Which burst into flames, so we will have a memory -
Space of needles through the sad smell flowing.
roads as short infinitely short
Long, so long there caps.
One will be more calm now,
One nepārsāpamas pain.

Roses are falling tears instead of dew,
Roses of Summer torn wounds.
Bundle put the world in the sun
Memory of her mother wrapped the ball ...
You go and get the white snow-white,
White shadow on the trees are falling
And winds muted altos
You say: - Hello, worlds! -
How unfair Day sadilst,
When the sun seeks zenith,
So white cabled years
Well satin and birch bark.
But who\'s gotten quite -
Maybe re-occur
And rather than go aw
sunlight walk life
How beautiful and how easy it lived.
What time the river heaves scull,
And the restless beating hearts -
We paklusēsim a few moments,
In the silence hear the best!
my children you can find me
And grandchildren, perhaps reflux.
I am ignorant of embarrassment:
Bore the burden of routine,
Said swept eternity ...
You do not stand between two nothingness,
You have one side of his father and mother is standing,
But on the other side stands daughters and sons -
And while they will have to calm you mind,
You stand before between two eternities.

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