Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

Page : 20
in bloom -
River, which flows -
song that sounds -

of life
throw away the previous
and a new morning clipper
cut last night -

turned to a black velvet cloth,
the shoulders of the land falls.
What are you, my land, clothes?
He finished his dzīvesgājumu,
To rust mājupsteigšanos it is stored,
In the sacred is all the man in a hurry
Do something else very best.

I will not stand the apex of life,
my resignation can not be impeded
Spring promising noisy.

But the surplus in the Eternal Glory,
so that each one of our death -
it is a way of life back.

When the last bird of passage
will be flown
the same ...
The sky should not be
leave blank.
Leaving is inevitable,
leaving a short,
but terrible long
its proximity
the last moment.
Expensive every life,
the glory of life sales.

Do not cry
for a fair life -
with more real gold
trees and people
gild the autumn.
Fade your last -
your voice,
what I have blood
in the empty silence
atšalko ears.

go to the last brightness
behind Pamales,
go last walker
behind the curve,
go to the last movement,
the last sound

We have devoted time
from so and so to.
How we atņemsim
With giant strength and giant passion
spītēdams black darkness,
his lifetime he gave us the light
and died
next to your volume
now buried in the sower,
for he shall ganglia
his country hears
him to his ear
heard your wind -
sown in the ground forever,
the same is eternal.
it is white sand,
suddenly all
sacirtusies eyes. .

You\'re iesnigusi, Mother,
the drift, which can not be dug up,
the drift, which is not present,
and you want even more deeply buried.

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