Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

Page : 18
on all our shoulders, below,
Sleeping from now on, since yours is sleeping Ark ...
How welcome, no matter how hard a person is born,
How simple, how unexpectedly dies
unbearable silence. But it is true -
What remains, is no longer pronounced.
Mother, a curling frost bird
From then on his forehead lets throw
And kiss the sad groove
To which I am guilty.
remained half-way through the song,
Remained mown meadow.

Yes, from a distance all
Only the distance
Only after the divorce
Never again did not take.
If you have something very close to losing,
Then come quite humanly sad.
The mother did not drop no tears futile.
No one. No one.

From early rietējušām suns sun comes out again.
As warm as you want,
so warm sun rise.
bread is sown,
Although it was once behind me
Remain in the field
With my breath
Plaukstošajās sprouting.
White Mother, Mother linen,
Wash white sheets,
Already graze my horses
Her sun meadow.
Cold, cold the lawn,
Where do I fit on horseback,
I\'ll go there, Mother laundry,
With oglīti bosom.

White Mother, Mother of the laundry,
Take me in your part of the
There are already īd my cows
Neganītas, neizslauktas.

White Mother, Mother of the laundry,
I close the gates of an eye,
When I came, then opened,
Well time is laced.
you, son, weep
About tētiņa retirement,
Every tomorrow \'dew crying
For all pedestrians.

Do not tell your sorrow -
I will not hear anymore,
Closed windows and closed the door,
There is no room.
as snow ...
the spruce green, fringed branches lying,
and the white winds quiet edge of the forest stands,
because they are not allowed to awaken you today,
standing in white lines through corners, because they do not have the lead,
and the floor boards in a quiet, because there is no over-reaching to go ...
Then, when everything will shout and when the echo subsided,
Summer Night cool mist will increase eye
And as sparklers sparks stars litter -
Heart at the time no longer rustling, not wet.
You may not claim weakness,
How you do not believe in the faith,
This is your span span,
It can not go another.

Not at all outrageous allocation for
Among the \"live\" and the \"die\",
If you are sown field
And love to hear.
But now I\'m staying
On the grass, on which the go,
The door, which you ver,
On thy forehead,
Where can barely visible pulses
Blue your childhood,
Pink thy youth
And your blue evening.
My white mother and a peaceful,
Soon frost one flower here,
I\'ll take it and you will bear
Also, if the way it will melt.

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