Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

Page : 16
indifferently swinging
watch bob
the same
Well, the native land hushaby dusot,
You zemesmāte glauž cheek,
Where brown thread root
Through a loose hammock AUZ.
There fell one page at infinity,
And your day went to look for it.
Another moment burned debesmala pink,
Then disappeared as if neatskārsta.
has stopped the race. There is a whirlwind of Rimi.
So lonely memory crumbs roam.
An unusual fatigue chest I was born,
And as the days ditches meadowsweet wilt.
We all come from the ground.
There we start and end.
There subside spoonfuls of happiness
Eternal mindless haste.
Why such a long day today
Standing in my way as a black wall?
As sadness creep over the tops of the birch.
Even the sun through cloud gaps
With cruelty staring through the windows.

How many a long day. What frightened silence,
As the heart pushes ominous emptiness ...

Everything stopped, extinct - was ...
Oh, you still do not know. But the death of black Vedas
How hard Salta tālēm darkness sweeps,
To the fragile flower of happiness felled scars
When the summer over the landscapes of flowers is called joy.
the way I came into the black shadow of death,
But the mind still nepierod to the realization
That dear child never to return will not come,
That affect my soft hands.

Which would delay the severity of my shoulders?
Who will be able to quench the pain in my heart?
Only silence around, silence - mourning greeting.
Cries the soul, but is unable to awaken.
I did cry, because tears does not work,
They can not withdraw anymore, that eternity is given,
But the loss is usually unnecessary - not deserved,
It pushes the most - as a disgrace or punishment.
the quiet farm life!
Light a candle for the memory in the hearts raining.
Light a candle in this heart-final resting place
Fragile does not allow the flame to go out in memory.

Summer go. and the most beautiful flowers wither.
When recording an eternal book of all of us.
Light a candle to light over darkness falls,
In memory of all those lying in the cemetery.
Raud violin. Shadow glides across the cheek.
Weeping violin. And light eyes darken.
Weeping violin. Sounds slow lament.
Weeping violin. It saddened hearts with you.

Weeping violin. Deposited in flowers on the grave.
And candlelight uzplaiksnī and smile.
Oh, the grave of sand, and covered with treasure?
Weeping violin. Sounding sigh and groan.
There\'s life as nerimta, bangaina sea
Where colored waves of the rising and plok,
Here iedzirkstas laughter here - bass Sura,
Šļāciens come unexpected - and the life smoke.

Everything dark. Everything goes off.
And the procession is over,
No matter how sorry you colorful merino wool.
In Destiny book covers are open
And we do not know how many pages there yet ...
did you do your work
With defiance and pride:
Neliekties whirlwind harsh -
That was a lesson
Life wind field.

Your leaving the cold winds
Stindzina hands and hearts,
But what is love pressing,
You no longer see or hear.
your resignation - silent pain
What soul to drill through.
And this silence forever in the heart of pain,
It neapslāpēs winds bluster.
every life span ends
The silence of the grave we work and time is weighted.
And embarrassment message that day came quickly,
Makes the heart shudder: or span was it worth it?

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