Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

Page : 15
intentions remain in the sand,
How few of those you see when the tops;
So painful to remember we are gardeners,
And so he had a shower and a warm
His neiestādīto the shade of trees.
But very little more time to
Ask and listen,
And often have cabins in aspen,
Creep and hop do not stop ...

Either below the turf malnas,
Or green tops.
Again, the sun is in August -
Again, I jāieaug land.
Details, details away in the streets
The star, who dziest.
There is another way to large -
Little approaching.
again without you.
Free wind clouds cards
As the butterflies in their individual
They will burn red in the sunset.
But now go and leave everything to be grown here. The pine breeze farewell to arms nodding, voice, Wind forest sighs hard.
zemites feels yawn.
Vera\'s tomb, the flowing sky blue.
It just seems that to death
songs piebriedis centennial forest -
Far golden sun
Brien and ever green.
Remain blushing
your response only.
You will remain standing during the summer,
Flowering meadow below the knees.
I just paid eyelid
And hid in the autumn mist.
And when you left, I quietly shadow pieglaudīsies,
And the touch of a cold will be very -
Your handshake freezes in my hand,
Pain and nipping on the ice becomes solid.
Your eyes look gentle and warm
For distant stars shine will go.
Never again would not come near me in the eyes of vērties,
Dim light at night over the spleen.
Time stopped.
Everything became distant as Month,
In the window, pale - there\'s frost in their banks.
There will be a handy jāsastingst who will be affected by frost.

Along your way
let\'s go ...
And the song of eternal life and death
the land of your lips softly singing.

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