Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

Page : 14
so strange these days saģist -
As the funeral bells and dun dun
The message: you lost, your power is disintegrating ...
But somewhere in the air gently zum
The light that radiates from you,
That humanity Saulrīti true,
And will always remain linden branches -
This is your life Vízum ...

Oh, pick up a handful of light
Of the last days yet,
Of life in simple and beautiful ...
There stands a golden cloud the horizon.
Heart nepukst anymore. But still it was sounding and the eyes sparkle, observing life.
deep night life suddenly throws to ice the gap:
Far away in the dark smudge throws sparks, Clothes Hound,
All that was, all who have born, frosty air,
While reading the lasso face, alien pain, fervent thorns jab.
As life becomes gray lake during the autumn,
What seems to be nowhere does not -
And the pages of the deceased, the wind, not driven in the dark among
Heart pink dream bed.
clock beats. As the spirit of life tend to,
Wind, snow, stars tend to -
To love, to laugh, to hate - as a pole of attraction!
Hear the plains aprīļpalus call,
Include a thousand eyes of night and fire moments
Do not discharge into the hands of life scull,
In which the blood stream sounds ...
We\'ve come all, Mother,
We are your beloved, sought-after and Trolleys,
Through the pain, remoteness and land gate.

Another candle is burning, yet everything is nesadzijis,
And the sky so sad thy face.
So inevitably, the party will grow dark,
For me to think you will be set.

Dusk softly, softly
Also entered the heart of ...

My last star falls.
Do not leave - I ask
When a star falls silent.

Māmuliņ for your life
Today we say thank you quietly.
neaizbirst with sand.
Nenosmok my lips in the dark.
Weep, O my stayers -
Beloved would never die.
lovers - like doves in the air
Race to eternity in heaven.
Dying as flowers, slowly novīzdami,
Outgoing moments intoxication.
Think of me, to be warm,
Also, when a snowstorm Virsta.
Weep, O my stayers -
To love will never die ...
So I go, when everything will be in the spring,
When the ground just sprouting grass.
I do not have to rush, not least,
or the pain I izraušos clamps.
Well, there are other steps mentioned in
not with their feet -
through the Requiem
mocartiskām sounds.
this life so much has been:
over the scars
bitter tears rain lilies,
clenched in pain, heart
many had to suffer in silence ...
silence sounds visrunīgāk ...

Let me beg for another one
Until life is slipping away:
One bright day of joy,
Happy one mazubrīd!

Let my long gate
Once again, get rid of love worth it.
Re-living red grain
Fingers through the sand dump
But the sun around the end of a working day quickly,
Around the same life, and the time has come,
When you are not able to present more than flowers ...
Our sadness is just the gardener
Neiestādīto tree shadows.

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