Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

Page : 13
And so never
We will not go hand in hand along the sea,
will not go watch the gulls and the distant night, tampers
turns into the black sky the stars,

My messengers across the cladding,
My messengers ravine already falling.
Dead of a golden fly rafter,
Golden rafter fly now.
The world is shrinking as a dry seed.
Pant\'s ability to blow anyone away.
Do I dumpojos now or listen to?
Whether it was a moment or a lifetime?
And so a lot of cherry tree
Aizzied exceptionally long.
And so many white mākoņlaivu
Us may get missed.
And so many strange aches birds
Ran past unnoticed.
You\'ve turned into.
What a tremendous silence ...
And - a deep and restful radiation.
And suddenly life - linden blooms,
And suddenly life - bee buzz.
And close, close to a face.
Silver drops tomorrow time.
... And suddenly went quiet,
And suddenly stopped in time.

The same white, white snow,
All of my feet covered.

I no longer find the trail,
Who returned home to know
Time to remain on the mountain,
Which is white, white silence tin.
What once iedzintarots great light,
Can no longer die in the dark sorrow.
Oh, mother\'s hands, the most expensive stuff
This land, Marina, who are often forgotten
Laimīti had to give, oh, our Mamula ...
Of them gold aizmūžības winds.
But you, as ceriņkrūms, baltbalti smelled
to shoot all around new drives,
to the delight of others selflessly flowers scattered ...
Of your twigs so as a blessing.
Therefore, you have lost someone generosity,
light of life received and given.
Dark color as soon as the last ...
Gold sheet
I farewell.
senis aizgrimusi
Behind them viesuļbaltiem snow ...
Paspīd blue anemone
No longer a dream, as through sleep.
However, his named called cuckoo ...
Mamula my life.
And ietumsa saulesriets
Infinite Sea.
I will kneel
and pray for your soul
stars, sun and moon,
to your thoughts, will and hope
life is life brings ...
expensive and close
grimusi skyline forever.
Clouds float ... Splits night hardness as a pack.
Former sore, remember the light! Horizon
gundegains free and enlightened clarity pack.

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