Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

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We have grave narrow bed,
We are at peace dusēsim
Under love Laura.
Under the high trees
Have a good shower
And aizistība,
Free woman and the air

For the breeze to get up,
For three light
Over spoguļdzīti,
Where walking beam.
And when the last round wick
Already flickered pale glow,
One song rose up against the night -
It had my mother\'s voice.
Cemetery nightingale,
Who did you sing here?
Quiet is the edge
Closed soul.
Go thou, but his works
Lived for many years will.
Bright moments, moments of harsh
Name your memory of us will.
End of the day, rushing to a chair,
Lifetime pink sun set.
Life in the short trail ends
Sands, where the rest go.
Is it really morning sun
you no longer neuzlēks,
Is it really bright eyes
sand will be closed forever?

Sand, hollow dunēdamas,
pouring and sabirst heart ...
Land, land, native land,
hear our grief.
Rough hands spinning a fine yarn
Each Dzīpariņš - breast stroke.
You gloves were just as easy,
How many had a hard life and a cool story.

Intruded curbs wool,
Interruption in your life thread ...
pouring white winter roads,
sabirst baltbaltās sleigh tracks,
Rails is lost, leading foot,
leads me to the graveyard pine.
. . day, which is very light dawned,
Soon the dark of a black bird of the Vedas,
In the black birds fly with grief.
not be eternal pain,
Culvēki but we are!
Nesāpiet, hearts,
Nesāpiet, right!
What brought the pain
Black birds on white day?

People die but,
Knits as a land of their own.
of aches and not go anywhere -
Or snowing or silazvani bloom.
If the heart of pain iedzēlusi,
It was only when the heart aprims quietly.
cemetery grass
many early flowering,
the young can live longer,
so that one can go further.
Slow is my last ride,
Over the last steps in toll number
Slower and slower, quieter and quieter.
Life as a cross on his shoulders had severe
Lift easy for me Father for now
It is easier to fall asleep eternity showers.
life I rarely gave flowers
Today I will give up the crown,
Sink dizzy life odor.
Last atdariet eyes
I wanted to say a lot more expensive,
Froze his lips, went out the words.

Vanished sun, dark day,
Next, I now have to go to one,
Sands of eternity on the road ... lap ...

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