Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

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One life is suddenly iris
And the other will not be anymore.
earth hear the call,
Dark day window,
Closes the door behind me -
The land will come in one.
have to go through as
The decline of the party -
These gates are narrow,
These steps are quiet.
Dreams I rushed to the stars,
Steps kalnip rushed to go,
Suddenly, the way I ended up gorge,
Midday sun set.

Guldiet me on the sunny side,
To be able to donate the Spaniards prosper.
Dusi sweet land hands
Have a dream not run;
Loving hands flowers default,
And you will always be warm.
autumn mist is borne damp,
Difficult it is to suffer silently.
Behind the pearly glass
Candles and flashing dziest.
you left us their world,
When looked at each other,
And other light and spear
The heart fell.
You have this side of the sowing,
Caring as a grain of sand
Heart iesūrstēja corner:

In order to have everything I love,
How to garden on a sunny shelf!
Only then would like to go,
If known.

Calm can say:
The book read
From cover to cover
From the first
To the last page.
Well gloomy silence around you.
peace with God and homeland sand
With you, my dear,
With me, empty roads abroad
And memory constellation.
Pray, pray you, whose soul
Light live,
To my hour of my fall
The peace of God and the fatherland sand.
posos to visit you,
Well they come too late,
You aizsaukts other villages,
Of which nepārnāk.
autumn flower
Another song sounds the bees
What you do not tell
And what would you say to me.

I have to put your lips closed,
Nemodina, do not touch
Them with your hot breath.
Only three short dream,
One word of love
Give, not love itself.
I am pleased thee of green products,
To just see the love in your eyes,
When all the other death shield cover.
. . go carefully!
Maybe this place
Straight ze feet
Lying beneath the roses in the snow.

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