Heart silenced
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Poems / Heart silenced

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Life gave little joy.
Was a long agony.
Well, resting on the chest
tired hands.
I walked into the light,
and the light of my shares.
With love\'s name,
the lips died away,
you lull TAPI
Supa eternity.
A bookshelf full of rose bush on the grave
the immortal breath.
There\'s your soul magnificent
smile: - Here I am.
iedūksies once sweet bells of eternity,
this land, this land you give me.
I want to turn to ashes,
take me to the homeland have been removed.
into deep night to leave the us
so sad darkness covers the graves of dreams.
move in life. Even pain
As the snow melts on the wrist.
Only the heart of scars
remains as a ridge of black.
You are going so far as to
as far as life can go.
Behind nopļauju years as hay turners.
But the heart still hurts like that night.
klususi song. As an echo in the forest medal.
The well filled up the deep sorrow of heart irdz.
Salnas chamotte morning dawned ...
In my garden the flowers wilt.
Autumn falls in my garden ...
I walked you expect
Another line of Indian summer.
Winter did not let anymore in..
Rime rime garden and hair.
Winter\'s goal stand on its own.
glow died away, and ran down flowers.

Sister, where are you gone?
Finding a tired heart ...
Pair of love, white hands
doing sand and frost tree.
anywhere you nezudīsi -
no matter where and how,
but you will find
still life next.

I will not leave,
life is something musicians.
That life comes with love,
It surely did not die.
Ah, good old Mother!
Allow the head before you make -
I have no other,
the repayment you make.
I want to kiss
You tulznoto hand
of good heart, my beloved father,
Plow you footnote the world to me the door,
tumors with sweat you me,
my father!
With dignity kiss
you have an active hand
chalk on the road with you, my father!
You are restless spirit I poured in the chest,
You Arāja name I gave my father!
In life there are moments when life suddenly seems to be
long as the torn cloud glides,
māmulīt gray, with you then
childhood trails in the middle distance.
In all that you once loved,
Feel to the island life with you,
Since, light a friend who is a light month,
You went to the other side.

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