Ancient Indian proverbs
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Poems / Ancient Indian proverbs

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advising fool - only tease.
Patience - a virtue and weak strength of adornment.
expect mature fruit fall, headed in this world - death.
Do not do nothing that you will repent himself dying. Because life is just a moment.
Even if you offer gild, do not trust the enemy and the woman who does not love you - otherwise you\'re dead already.
suppressed the truth, if it brings misfortune.
wise men shall be paid time and knowledge of poetry, foolish -
vices, sleep and hassle.
The best medicine for disaster - not to think about them. When you think about disaster, it does not move, but getting bigger.
Misfortune shows what worth is your friend, wife, servant, wit and daring.
Another person - a person serving money.
Naidu terminated rather than hatred, but only love.
foolish child, instead of thinking father and mother at a young age -
favorite, age - children. Since he has not time to think for yourself.
What can cause a villain to be armed with complete peace of mind. When the fire themselves do not find food, the same also goes out.
fool seeks comfort in the past, lunacy - in the future, the wise - the present.
happiness comes after unhappiness, by accident - happiness. No
continuous accident, not continuous happiness. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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