The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

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Outstanding leaders characterized the mission feeling, belief in yourself and the value of their work.
best moment of the dismissal of an employee when it will come to mind first.
people loose their best selves, always praising and pointing out how much they trust.
why your name is payroll? What are your immediate job responsibilities?
constantly inform their employees! Who would not want to know what\'s going on?
Which skill developed to a high level, to enhance your career?
Managerial functions are innovation and marketing. How much time do you each of them free?
leader takes full responsibility for performance and results.
leader thinks and talks about solutions. Followers think and talk about problems.
leader is treated as if all their watch, even when no one is looking.
driver recognizes that his employees depend on more than they do from her. Be careful!
Stimulates what you want to constantly see! If you give wages, the work will be done.
professional leader is prepared to admit errors, to avoid a greater evil. Do not be afraid to acknowledge that you have changed your mind! Netiepies, if the initial decision proved to be weak!
focus on one or two issues - the potential to be really promising profits.
Always prefer for the future, not the past! Currently do in your daily agenda? Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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