The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

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unique talents and abilities! Who currently owe most of what you achieve in your life?
professional leaders first think not for themselves, but for current needs.
best driver listens to assessment and corrects your errors.
Imagine that you can do absolutely everything! Used for the\'\' return\'\' philosophy of the future! Move five years into the future and then glanced back!
outline thoughts on paper! Each planning the last minute will save you ten minutes of work.
developed an industrious employee\'s position. Repeat to yourself:\'\' Back to work!\'\'
Never forget that it could have avoided the error
Leadership best finds effective action in a crisis situation.
The real measure of driver talent is the ability to solve problems and make the right decisions.
leader, meeting face the dangers and difficulties, maintain peace, calm and restraint.
never expresses impatience and Treat is always at ease, joyful and confident - even when you boil everything inside
Professional Head feature is the intensive efforts to achieve results.
stress and their perceptions of friends who discover that life does not meet your inner essence.
force and effect arises from the ability to help or hurt.
The future does not comfort-seekers, but those risks. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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