The successful leader
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Poems / The successful leader

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leader dedicated to providing excellent business task.
What can be done to shorten product delivery time and service to your customers?
Engage freelancers and work at any task they could do better than others!
different people in different career stages requires a different management style.
inexperienced staff provides direct and clear instructions!
Feedback is winning breakfast.
Constantly prepare and advise their subordinates - account of them excellent employees
encourages all to participate and engage in complex tasks
responsibility entrusted only to those who have expressed a clear ability to take on.
Think and reflect no rush! Thinking is a key characteristic of successful leadership.
Dare to go forward! Have you ever tried to take the initiative?
You are where you are and what you have, thanks to yourself, your choices and decisions.
compare their performance with the strongest rival performance! Think about that the next time they beat
leader is always frustrated - all the time trying to be even better.
success can lead to complacency fever, but it is the arch enemy of success. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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