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Poems /

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unlearned wise among the people is not possible to say a word, do not be surprised: the lute sound is heard when you hear a drumbeat.
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Time is eternal, but we are transient.
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youth we all believe in, but no one do not believe us, believe us, all ages, but we do not believe anyone anymore.
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to love people, do good to them, but to people ienītu of them should be avoided.
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The truth is like a nettle: its easy touches are sadzelts, while having it go up safely, so not to cause no harm.
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adage goes - the truth will be far away. Absolutely correct - the truth haunted everywhere and it will go very far.
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beautiful and faithful wife also has the same rarity as a very successful translation of poetry. Usually it does not sound beautifully, if faithfully comply with the original, and reads beautifully, if not so faithful.
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woman is the life of the honey, honey-pea pods life, eye fat lean Virumaa life, human children\'s Christmas Tree Fair and wonderful spiral spring in the large global car.
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secrets have new wine characteristic, it threatens to tear the bottle.
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smartest man becomes foolish when falls in love, but vistukšākā girl when fall in love, become wise.
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How many wise and when I speak, before the occurrence, that he is wise. While the fool should just keep quiet, and all consider him smart.
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Compliment labor productivity doubled.
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Men have more problems than women. One reason is that they put up with women\'s existence.
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Women dress is just as important as it leads a man to desire her to take off.
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Experience is the error, as well as the sum of the errors, which unfortunately has not been able to tolerate.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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