Oscar Wilde
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Poems / Oscar Wilde

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Philosophy teaches us unmoved respond to other failures.
Poverty tragedy is that the poor can only afford to self-sacrifice.
world has only one thing worse that being said about you, and it is - if you do not speak at all.
It is surprising to hear what people say you behind your back and how it\'s all true.
should never be debited with the scandal. Reserve to need it until you need to give importance to their age.
What good, if a man gains the whole world and loses its soul.
How easy to give more to my faith, and how hard to draw yourself.
A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, but do not know the value of nothing.
When one comes away, he spends time owners, not theirs.
Some make people happy all of the come, others - when going away.
It is so nice not to appear where there waiting for you.
community located just have to be boring. But away from the public - it is already a tragedy.
We are all ready to believe in other people because of fear for themselves. Optimism is based on the purest fear.
Optimists - a coward who is afraid of its own inevitable and horrifying future.
clever opponent gives hand knowledge that life is competitive, but not a tragedy.

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