Oscar Wilde
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Poems / Oscar Wilde

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Dissatisfaction - This is the first step in the progress of one man, the Whole Nation.
value has nothing to do with its veracity preacher.
worst tyranny the world has ever known, the tyranny of the weak over the strong. It is
the only way to prolonged tyranny.
If England for all their ieļodzītajiem treated as for me, it does not deserve to be her at all would be.
of the best football I think. A wonderful game of rough girls, but boys are not sensitive.
Arts signify nothing, just herself.
What art is true Remains true to life.
If you can not even twice a week and quite a wide audience prātuļot immoral for moral, political field of work you have closed.
Language - not the image of thought, but a father.
Religion - distributed ersatz religion.
atheism requires faith is as much as faith.
Christ died not for the people saved, but because, to teach them to save each other.
church all be serious, except for one who is a cult object.
The only difference between saints and sinners is that every saint has past, but every sinner - the future.
When the gods want to punish someone, they respond
for the prayers. The less punishment, the less the crime.

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